Humanitarian League Publications


The Humanitarian League published two journals, Humanity (1895-1902), later renamed The Humanitarian (1902-1919), and the quarterly The Humane Review (1900-1910).


Henry S. Salt
Ernest Bell, 1895-1902
Later renamed The Humanitarian.
Humanitarian League - The Beagles Boy Vol. 1 No. 1
Henry S. Salt, George Greenwood
A. C. Fifield, London, Vol. 1 No. 1, February 1907
Humanitarian League - The Beagles Boy Vol. 1 No. 2
Henry S. Salt, George Greenwood
A. C. Fifield, London, Vol. 1 No. 2, March 1907
The Humanitarian League - The Brutalitarian
Henry S. Salt
Humanitarian League, Vol. 1 No. 1, October 1904
The Humanitarian League - The Humane Review
Henry S. Salt
Ernest Bell, 1900-1910
The Humanitarian League - The Humanitarian

The Humanitarian

Henry S. Salt
Ernest Bell, 1902-1919
Previously named Humanity.


No. 1 – Humanitarianism : Its General Principles and Progress. By HENRY S. SALT.
The new Humanitarian League begins effectively what promises to be a series of publications. This thoughtful and persuasive paper must win the sympathy of all humane readers. — National Reformer.
No. 2 – Royal Sport : Some Facts Concerning the Queen’s Buckhounds. By Rev. J. Stratton.
Do decent people generally know what devilish things are done daily in the Queen’s name and that of “Royal Sport?” — Weekly Times and Echo.
No. 3 – Rabbit Coursing : An Appeal to Working Men. By R. H. JUDE, D.Sc., M.A.
The Humanitarian League has issued a well reasoned and, in the main, temperate protest against one of the least defensible forms of popular recreation. — The Globe.
No. 4 – The Horrors of Sport. By LADY FLORENCE DIXIE.
As eloquent a condemnation of the brutalising pastimes called “Sports” in England as I have ever read. — Echo.
No. 5 – Behind the Scenes in Slaughter-Houses. By H. F. LESTER.
It is necessary that the attention of the public should be aroused to the evils attendant upon our present London system of private slaughter-houses, and to the duty humanity imposes on us to do all that may be done to abolish these evils. — Daily News.
No. 6 – Vivisection, I. Medical Science: The True Method and the False. By EDWARD CARPENTER and EDWARD MAITLAND.
An admirable addition to the very useful series of publications which emanate from the Humanitarian League. — Zoophilist.
No. 7 – “I Was in Prison” : A Plea for the Amelioration of the Criminal Law. By ROBERT JOHNSON.
The contents of this little publication deserve to be deeply pondered by all who love their fellow-men, and especially by all who are concerned with the administration of the criminal law. — Daily Chronicle.
No. 8 – Women’s Wages, and the Conditions under which they are earned. By ISABELLA O. FORD.
It succeeds in placing before the readers the horrible conditions under which the mass of our working sisters contribute their proportion of the superabundant wealth of this country. — Justice.
No. 9 – Dangerous Trades for Women. By LOUISA T. MALLET.
A very readable and interesting pamphlet, which will help to influence public opinion in favour of improving the sanitary condition of our industries. — British Medical Journal.
No. 10 – The Extermination of Birds. By EDITH CARRINGTON.
A strong appeal on behalf of the song birds of Britain. — Dundee Advertiser.
No. 11 – The Horse: His Life, his Usage, and his End. By Colonel W. L. B. COULSON.
Let every humane master who puts the care of horses into other people’s hands put into those hands one of these twopenny brownpaper-covered messages of mercy. — Echo.
No. 12 – A Plea for Mercy to Offenders. By C. H. HOPWOOD, Q.C.
The Head Constable of Liverpool, in his report for 1892, testifies unmistakably to the success of Mr. Hopwood’s merciful system. — Weekly Times and Echo.
No. 13 – The Humanizing of the Poor Law. By J. F. OAKESHOTT.
All the more valuable in that it indicates clearly a definite program of Poor Law reform. — The Sun.
No. 14 – Literæ Humaniores : An Appeal to Teachers. By HENRY S. SALT
No. 15 – Cattle Ships and our Meat Supply. By ISABEL M. GREG and S. H. TOWERS.
No. 16 – Public Control of Hospitals. By HARRY ROBERTS.
No. 17 – The Evils of Butchery. By JOSIAH OLDFIELD.
No. 18 – The Dog: his Rights and Wrongs. By EDITH CARRINGTON.
No. 19 – The Shadow of the Sword. By G. W. FOOTE.
No. 20 – So-called Sport. By Rev. J. STRATTON, Colonel W. L. B. COULSON, and Dr. R. H. JUDE.
No. 21 – What it Costs to be Vaccinated: The Pains and Penalties of an Unjust Law. By JOSEPH COLLINSON.
No. 22 – The Sweating System. By MAURICE ADAMS.
No. 23 – The Humanities of Diet. By HENRY S. SALT.
No. 24 – The Gallows and the Lash. By HYPATIA BRADLAUGH BONNER.


Vivisection, II. An Appeal to Hearts and Heads. By EDWARD MAITLAND.
Humanitarian League, What It Is and What It Is Not.
British Blood Sports
Facts About Flogging. By JOSEPH COLLINSON.
Empire in India and Elsewhere. By EDWARD CARPENTER.
The Meat Fetish: Two Essays on Vegetarianism. By ERNEST CROSBY and ÉLISÉE RECLUS.
Food and Fashion: Some Thoughts on What We Eat and What We Wear. By HENTY S. SALT.
The Need of a Rational and Humane Science. By EDWARD CARPENTER.
The Duty of Man to the Lower Animals. By FREDERIC HARRISON.
The Treatment of Prisoners. By W. D. MORRISON, LL.D.
The Death Penalty. By H. BRADLAUGH BONNER.
Sets forth the general case against capital punishment.
Corporal Punishment in India: Whipping and Morality in Gaols. By Sir HENRY COTTON.
The Ethics of Corporal Punishment. By HENRY S. SALT.
The Trust About The Game Laws. By J. CONNELL, with preface by ROBERT BUCHANAN.
Sports, Legitimate and Illegitimate. By Rev. J. STRATTON.
The Eton Hare-Hunt. By ETONENSIS.
Slaughter-House Reform. By Rev. JOHN VERSCHOYLE.
Christmas Cruelties. By ERNEST BELL.
The Humane Slaughtering of Animals. By ERNEST BELL.
The Foreign and Irish Cattle Trade. By I. M. GREG.
The Fate of the Fur Seal. By JOSEPH COLLINSON.
Pioneers of Humanity. By HOWARD WILLIAMS.
A study of some great humanitarian teachers, from Buddha to the present time.
Notes on the Punishment of Death. By CARL HEATE.
Deals with some special features; dates, statistics, etc.
Facts About Flogging. By JOSEPH COLLINSON.
An exposure, historical and critical, of the futility of the lash.
The Ethics of Corporal Punishment. By HENRY S. SALT.
Urges the immorality, apart from the uselessness of flogging.
The Other Side of the Bars: the case of the caged bird. By ERNEST BELL. With a preface by W. H. HUDSON.
The Flogging of Yafrants. By JOSEPH COLLINSON.
A plea for the repeal of the obsolete Vagrant Act of 1824.
The Spirit of Punishment. By JOHN GALSWORTHY.
A plea for the complete reformation in our methods of treating crime.
How to Reform Our Prison System. By H. J. B. MONTGOMERY.
A vivid picture of the English system of treating prisoners.
Imprisonment for Debt. By LEX (W. S. MONCK).
Shows that imprisonment for debt, far from being abolished in England, is a very prevalent evil.
International Arbitration: Its Necessity and Practicability. By H. PRATT.
Pasteurism in India, London. By Sir J H THORNTON.